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Tag: "John Dewey"

Public Life, John Dewey, and Media Technology

Hans Lenk and Ulrich Arnswald use John Dewey’s distinction between public and private life to consider some implications of information technology.
[Issue 103: July/August 2014: Articles]

Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy by John Dewey

Michael Brady finds John Dewey’s lost book compelling.
[Issue 102: May/June 2014: Books]

Pop Culture ‘and Philosophy’ Books

John Shelton Lawrence reviews the genre of ‘and philosophy’ books.
[Issue 64: November/December 2007: Books]

Randall Curren

Randall Curren is Professor of Philosophy and Education and Chair of the Philosophy Department at the University of Rochester, NY. His works include Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education. He is the editor of A Companion to the Philosophy of Education, of the journal Theory and Research in Education, and also of the recently published Philosophy of Education: An Anthology. Tim Madigan talks to him.
[Issue 63: September/October 2007: Interview]


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